Quick little update on Baby and Job
Hello Everyone,
Just wanted to give you a quick update on the Hoskins' Household. Baby Hoskins is doing well. Went to the doctor yesterday and everything looks great. We are looking forward to the 22 week ultrasound!!! We will probably find out what it is if we can cause I'm not the most patient person.
Things are settling down around here. Tom loves his new job. Thanks to all of you who have been praying over that situation. He is working for Basements Direct managing projects and also doing some trim work. No more drywall!!!! He works long days, but is very happy right now.
Alex is as busy as ever. Talking every minute of the day. He loves trains (he is a little obsessed with Thomas the Tank Engine), playing outside, and watching Bob the Builder. He has just finished up his gymnastics class and I think we will try swimming next.
I can't believe I'm almost half way through the semester. Wow, I can't believe that I'm actually graduating. It has been a little tougher getting homework done this semester, but so far so good. The boxes are dwindling around the house and with the warmer weather, I'm looking foward to working in the yard a little bit.
I hope that you all have a wonderful spring. My mom has instilled how spring is such wonderful time of renewal and awakening. I pray that God will renew or awaken something new in each and every one of your lives.
God Bless!!!!
Hi!! I totally forgot you had a blog - I will definitely be checking it often. Love the pictures of Alex and the updates on you guys!! Love ya!!
hey friend! Alex is so cute! Thanks for the pictures. I have loved catching up on the Hoskins household that I have MISSED since I left Colorado. Have a great day, friend. have fun in school! (Soon and very soon!)
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