I hope everyone had a beautiful Easter... just wanted to share about our day...
Our day was really "crazy" as usuall. Alex and Callum were up at 4:45AM telling us the Easter bunny had come......WAYYYYYYYY TOOOOO EARLLY.....but I was the same way growing up, so I just had to laugh. Tom was about to shoot them. I told them it was too early, but they wouldn't go back to bed, so they crawled in bed with us. So technically, there were 5 people in a queen size bed. Needless to say...Tom and I didn't get any more sleep. The boys drifted off for about 1/2 hour, but I had a boy in each arm, laying on my back...and I'm not suppose to be on my back,,,, so I had to get up after about 1/2 hour. Well, both of the boys woke up again and there wasn't any convincing them of going back to sleep....so we got up and did Easter baskets and eggs. They were soooo cute. We went over to my Aunt's house for Easter dinner. I was suppose to bring rolls, so I bought the easiest fresh rolls I could find. Basically, they are ready, you just have to put them in the oven for 7 minutes. I warmed the oven up, put them in and sat down to wait. The timer went off, I went around the corner and smoke was pouring out of my oven...when I opened it, smoke filled my kitchen and the smoke alarm went off. Well I had told the boys that if the smoke alarm every goes off to go outside....so they opened the back door....but it was raining outside, and I told them to close the door, that there wasn't a fire. So they came back in. I told them they did the right thing. Well, in all of the chaos, I didn't realize that PeeWee had also gone out the back door and when we got into the car to leave, we realized that PeeWee was gone. He had jumped the fence. Like I said, it was rainy and cold yesterday....so I called my Aunt, told her that we were going to be late and we went driving around our neighborhood looking for the dog. We found him after about 20 minutes and showed up at my Aunt's late with burnt rolls and a wet dog....:-) But it was really good to visit with everyone. So life continues to be "crazy" here at the Hoskins household. But when you look back, it makes you laugh, so I wouldn't have it any other way. Okay, so now that I've written a book, I'd better get back to cleaning my house.
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