Christmas 2011

Merry Christmas 2011
Hello friends and family. Merry Christmas! As always where does the time go? It looks like I updated the blog last spring and things are going great!
Tom is still working at Coors as well as working as a contractor part time. He is working on a fix and flip right now and he really enjoys the project. He graduated last spring from Red Rocks with an associates in Science and Math. He also tries to find time to work on his scroll saw. He is working on a cathedral clock that is absolutely amazing. He went hunting for the first time this fall and although he didn't come home with any meat, he is already talking about next year.
Amanda is back at home. After Tom graduated, working nights waiting tables didn't have as strong of an appeal anymore. Almost immediately a need arose from a friend looking for childcare for her two sons and I started watching a couple of boys. I continue to watch her 19 month old son three days/week. He and Sarah have a great time playing together (as long as he lets her boss him around. ) I am also doing the half day kindergarten school runs every week. I have a couple of car pools, but some days I make three 40 minute round trips to school. Since Tom is working evenings, I am also the official cub scout, church club, and anything else that comes up in the evenings mom. It can get kinda crazy, but I LOVE being mom.
Alex is in second grade this year. He continues to excell and loves the science projects and writing. He is very active in cub scouts and church club. His favorite pass time (besides the Wii) is creating things out boxes and other "junk." He has a very active imagination and can create pretty awesome things out of "nothing."
Callum is in Kindergarten this year and is doing amazing. His writing is also progressing very well. His favorite part of school is recess, and being as active as possible. He has done a soccer class and wants to do a gymnastics class next. He has great ball handling skills and it is fun to play with and watch him play any ball sport.
Sarah, Sarah, Sarah!!! Oh my, world watch out!!! Sarah is the girl that is in control! There isn't anything that she won't try to do herself, and most of the time she can do it! She is completely potty trained and extremely independent!!! She loves going to Bible Study Class and singing Jesus Loves me with the guitar and will get out her little ukulele and sing her own rendition of Jesus Loves Me. Whenever I am cooking in the kitchen, she has to sit on the counter and watch everything that I am doing. She loves playing with her dollies and I think that she is going to love her little play kitchen that she is getting for Christmas.
Our biggest adventure this year was a camping trip to Hot Sulphur Springs. We camped at the Springs and swam in the pools. It was absolutely wonderful water. After a couple of nights there, we headed into the National Forest and set up camp near a beautiful stream. Tom had brought the 22 rifle, and a 308, and a 30 ought 6. We had a lot of fun shooting the 22 and bb gun. But, we had a little oops.....Tom was helping Alex shoot the 30 ought 6 and the scope kicked back and hit Alex right in the middle of the forehead. We wrapped his head up and headed out the hospital in Kremmling. After five stitches, we decided to take down camp and head back home. He was fine, but he has a nice scar and story for the rest of his life.
Amanda and Tom celebrated their 10th anniversary this summer with a backpack trip to Shelf Lake! It was an amazing time. The lake is beautiful and in spite of some rain, we both really enjoyed spending time with each other in our beautiful Rocky Mountains.
I pray that God will pour out his blessing upon you in 2011. I am so thankful that although we may go through some really tough stuff here on earth, we can go to God for our love, joy, peace, strength, and comfort. He is a God longing to poor abundance into our lives and I thank Him everyday for being a God of hope. We can look forward to one day living in heaven with Him where there is no pain, no sorrow, no scars. Thank you Jesus for coming down to earth. To show us what it means to love and to pray. Happy Birthday Jesus, may our year with you be joy.
Many Blessings this Christmas,
Amanda Hoskins
for more pictures, you can go to our face book page.
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