I am the wife of a wonderful husband of 10 years, Tom, two amazing boys, Alex 8 years, and Callum 5 years, and my little girl, Sarah Christine 2 years.
Lots has happened this last month. We had a great time trick or treating this year. Alex was, yes you guessed it, Thomas the Tank Engine. We carved pumpkins about a week ago and Alex wasn't too keen on the pumpkin guts. I opened it up and he looked inside and said "pew!!!!" He wouldn't even stick his hand inside. He has this aversion to stringy things. Anyway, I dug out all the gunk, and then I carved out the first eye. I pulled it out a little ways and then had Alex pull it out. When he touched it I screamed, "Oh, my eye!!!!" I didn't mean to scare him that bad, but he almost fell off the chair he jumped back. Poor guy. :-) He like lighting them up once we were finished. (FYI: if you carve a pumpkin over a week before Halloween and you have warm weather, nice green mold starts growing very quickly) Our pumpkins were pretty spooky on Halloween night.
Callum is changing rapidly, growing like crazy. Here are some recent pics.
Have a wonderful Fall and God bless!