Friday, March 30, 2007

Oh my gosh, where has the time gone!

Happy Easter everyone. I can't believe that it has been three almost four months since I have updated this blog. Wow, a lot has happened. God has blessed us immensely lately through some hard stuff. If you want the whole story, just email me and I'll give you the details. Basically we were in some financial trouble and God orchestrated an amazing story to help us move forward. We are so thankful to be surrounded by incredible family and friends!!! Also, to add to the craziness, the company Tom started working for in October declared bankruptcy, so things have kinda been on the edge the last month or so. But thankfully Tom has found a new job with FracTech. He is changing industries completely. He is kinda glad to get out of the construction industry. He will be operating heavy machinery for this company. Basically they go into existing oil wells and create a controlled earthquake to break up the earth and get the oil flowing better. Right now he is looking at a weeks worth of training either in Parachute, CO or in Texas. It is kinda crazy trying to plan anything cause we don't know what his schedule is going to be. So other than that things are pushing along. The boys continue to grow and change weekly. Callum is rolling all over the place now. Alex is loving that Callum can interact with him. He is pretty good at making Callum laugh. Well, who wouldn't laugh at a monkey. He is going to be doing gymnastics again starting next week and is really looking forward to it. I'm still plugging away at childcare and hope to start substitute teaching in the fall after Callum get a little older. Speaking of which, he is screaming for a bottle right now (his favorite thing to do is eat. :-) ) So I'll get this published. We would love to hear from you
God bless you this Easter Season. We have so much to be thankful for!