Thursday, September 27, 2007

Not Moving

so as i'm reviewing my post i realize that i need to update. we are not moving anymore. God has closed some doors to us getting up to Greeley right now. So we are waiting to see what He has in store for us. In the meantime, I've got some great books on tape for Tom! Thank you all for your prayers!! We continue to seek God's direction for us.

Picking up cones

So Alex taught me another lesson today. They are putting in new sidewalks along our block right now and they have cones lining each side of the road to keep cars out of the ditch. We were walking home from the park tonight and Alex noticed that several of the cones were tipped over. He said mom, can I put the cones back up? "Sure," I said, thinking that he would just put up the two in front of us. But no, when he was done with those, he wanted to cross the street and do the next street, and then the next. Even when I told him that we weren't going on, he insisted, so on we walked. When he got all done, he said, "Mom, the workers are going to be so happy tomorrow cause all of the cones are back up." Here I thought that his motivation was just to "put them right." He told me, "Mom, I'm a hard worker, huh." But he wanted to help and work hard and make someone happy. I have a lot to learn. How do you change the world. Pick up one fallen cone at a time.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Anyone need a rental

Hello Friends, due to the crazy housing market right now, we have decided to rent our house. If you know of anyone who needs a wonderful house, please let us know. Here are some pics. Tom still loves his job and we are trying to get up to Greeley asap. I'm going crazy trying to get us up there, but overall God knows what is best and we are looking for direction from him. The boys are getting bigger everyday too. Here are some recent pics.
Love ya all and God bless