Are the Hoskins still alive???
So I think that the last time I posted something was March....So once again, craziness reigns in the Hoskins' Household. Tom started his new job mid-April for FracTech and loves it. He is learning how to drive big trucks as well as doing maintenance. He just completed a conference table for them that he has totally enjoyed making. Woodworking is a passion of his and now he is getting paid for it. Rumor has it that they want to build several other buildings on site and he will probably be in charge of the construction. The only down side is that he has to drive to Greeley everyday. (A little over an hour one way). But that brings us to the other new thing brewing. We are going to try and move (AGAIN!!!) up to Greeley to be closer to work and to try and cut some living costs. Tom and I are both ready to get out of the city. We really feel it is where God is leading us. Please pray that if God wants us there, things will go well. The covenant chruch is planting a church up there that we would love to be a part of. So the moving boxes are coming out once again. And of course, life continues on...Alex is now 31/2 and loving life. He loves to play with worms, and rolly pollies. He just did another round of gymnastics and he will do some swimming lessons this summer. We are having a great time planting a garden and just doing lots of stuff outside. Callum is growing like a weed. I just took him for his 9 month doc's visit and he is now 19pds, 3 oz. He is loving solid foods...Cheerios, peas, pretty much anything I put in front of him. (Very different than Alex) Here are a couple of more recent photos.