Baby Sarah Update
Hello friends, just wanted to let you know that we are looking forward to Baby Sarah's arrival!!!! It looks like mid-June unless I go into labor before then. Just wanted to post an update. Alex is finishing up his year at preschool. He has loved learning the sounds of the English language and he loves to write books and sound out words. Right now, he is loving learning about the planets and anything outer space. He still loves trains, too. He is so curious and asks great questions on a daily basis. He is sooooo excited about a new baby sister and he is ready to be a great big brother. He is going to do some swimming lessons this summer, and play on scooters with his new friend across the street. Callum is still lovin life. He is so full of fun and games. We are trying to get him potty trained, and as long as it is a game, he will try....but I run out of "game time" real quick. I know, I know, no kid ever went to college in diapers. :-) He is amazing with any sort of ball and right now has his heart set on baseball. His timing is amazing and he loves to go out and hit balls. Tom is still working for Freelance and is going to take trig this summer. He is trying to put up with a 8 month pregnant wife. But he gets to fishing on Saturday, so he is pretty excited about that. We have a camping trip planned for the first part of August, but other than that is should be a fairly relaxing summer. I am doing childcare for the cutest little girl and I'll be starting back with that mid-July. It is working out soo well, and we are very thankful!!!! Have a wonderful spring, we will update when the baby is born. Amanda