Callum's Buttocks
So, Callum never ceases to "crack" me up on a daily basis..... The other morning, it was CRAZY, to say the least. I'm doing some childcare and everyone was just really cranky...anyway I'm TRYING to get Callum potty trained and I had sent him into the bathroom after an accident to change his clothes. I got distracted with the baby and I realized I hadn't seen Callum for a few minutes, so I went down the hallway and turned into the bathroom....I'm going to try to explain this as well as possible. There Callum was, completely naked, butt up in the air, head and feet down. (Hopefully you can visualize this.....) He had one hand on the floor and in the other hand he had my hand mirror between his legs pointed at his butt. I already knew the answer to my question, but I had to ask, "Callum, what are you doing?"....very seriously, he answered, "Looking at my buttocks." I don't how many of you have looked at your buttocks, but Callum was fascinated!! I just about exploded with laughter...After a very stressful morning, I'm so thankful or Callum's comic relief!!!!!